1 解釋性翻譯
(1) 抓大(dà)放小(xiǎo)
to invigorate large enterprises while relaxingcont rol over small ones
(2) 近年來(lái),在各級政府和(hé)有(yǒu)關組織的支持、帶動下,農村貧困地區(qū)婦女積極參加“雙學雙比”活動。
In the past years , led and encouraged bygovernment s at all organizations concerned ,women in poor rural areas have taken an activepart in the campaign of “learning culture andtechnology ,and emulating each other in achieve2ment s and cont ributions”. (“雙學雙比”指:學文化、學技(jì)術(shù)、比成績、比貢獻)
(3) 從試點情況來(lái)看,農村稅費改革規範了農民與國家(jiā)、集體(tǐ)之間(jiān)的分配關系,有(yǒu)效減輕了農民負擔,遏制(zhì)了農村“三亂”。
Experiment s showed that this reform helpedstandardize income dist ribution between farmerson the one hand and the state and the collectiveon the other hand and effectively reduced the fi2nancial burden on farmers by combating indis2criminate fines ,charges and levies in rural areas.
(4) 為(wèi)了支持社會(huì)保障制(zhì)度改革,做(zuò)好“兩個(gè)确保”工作(zuò),2001 年中央财政将繼續增加用于社會(huì)保障方面的資金。
Funding for social security has again beenincreased in cent ral budget for 2001 to supportreform system and ensure adequate funds used topay living allowances for workers laid off f romstate-owned enterprises and pension benefit s forretirees f rom state-owned enterprises in full andon time. (“兩個(gè)确保”指:确保國有(yǒu)企業下崗職工基本生(shēng)活費用和(hé)企業退休人(rén)員基本養老金按時(shí)足額發放。)
2 直譯
如果縮略語經常見諸于國外的報章雜志(zhì),為(wèi)外國讀者熟悉,成為(wèi)通(tōng)用語,甚至收入英語辭書(shū)中,可(kě)以直譯。比如,外國讀者熟悉的:一國兩制(zhì)(one count ry ,two systems) 、和(hé)平共處五項原則( the five principles of peaceful coexis2tence) 、雙赢(double-wins) 、三廢(three wastes) 、四化(four modernizations) 等。收入英語詞書(shū)的有(yǒu):三民主義( three principles of the people) 、“三國”( Three Kingdoms) 、“三反運動”( threeanticampaign) 、“四人(rén)幫”( the Gang of Four)等。
We must continue to advocate a high ethicaland cultural standard under socialism and unfoldthe movement of“Five St resses and Four Point sof Beauty”.
上(shàng)例中“五講四美”屬于“社會(huì)主義精神文明(míng)”的內(nèi)容。盡管譯文沒有(yǒu)作(zuò)詳細解釋,卻具有(yǒu)可(kě)理(lǐ)解性。但(dàn)要注意,直譯時(shí)避免詞語的歧義性,如“四美”譯為(wèi)Four Beauties , “三熱愛(ài)”譯為(wèi)Three Loves ,就會(huì)使外國讀者誤解為(wèi)“四個(gè)美女”和(hé)“三個(gè)情人(rén)”。
用直譯加注法翻譯縮略語,既保留了縮略語形式,又解釋了縮略語的內(nèi)容,無疑會(huì)給外國讀者更加直觀的印象,因而這種譯法被廣泛應用。在《漢英新詞語彙編》(1990) 中,縮略語的翻譯基本上(shàng)采用直譯加注法, 《北京周報》(Bei2jing Review) 雙語俱樂部時(shí)文翻譯中,縮略語大(dà)都采用直譯加注法。如:
(1) 為(wèi)了在現代化建設中堅持正确的方向,他旗幟鮮明(míng)地提出堅持四項基本原則。
To ensure a correct direction for the mod2ernization drive ,he raised the question of adher2ing to the Four Cardinal Principle in clear cutterms ( adherence to the socialist road , thepeople’s democratic dictatorship , the communistparty leadership and Marxist-Leninism and MaoZedong Thought) .
Two Focal Point s , two of the major point sof the line set by the 13th congress of CPC ,ie ,upholding the four cardinal principles and poli2cies of reform ,opening to the out side world andinvigorating the domestic economy.更多(duō)無錫翻譯公司信息,請(qǐng)關注:http://www.wuxiabc.com