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1.It is in (or with)……as in (or with)……

It is in life as in a journey.人(rén)生(shēng)好比旅途。

It is in studying as in eating; he who does it gets the benefits, and not he who sees it done.讀書(shū)和(hé)吃(chī)飯一樣,得(de)到利益的是那(nà)些(xiē)實際在吃(chī)的人(rén),而不是旁觀的人(rén)。

It is in mind as in body which must be nourished by good food.精神和(hé)身體(tǐ)都必須有(yǒu)好的食物來(lái)營養。

2.as good as / as well as

It is as goos as done.這就和(hé)做(zuò)好了一樣。

It is broad as well as long.那(nà)既長且寬。

as good as 有(yǒu)兩個(gè)含義:

(1)amounting to ; not falling short of;等于;同樣; 幾如;; 不欠缺

He was as good as his word.他不爽約。

(2)virtually; essentially; in every essential respect實際上(shàng);其實;實在;在各要點上(shàng)

He is as good as dead already.宛如死人(rén);行(xíng)屍走肉;名存實亡

as well as 有(yǒu)四個(gè)含義:

(1)no less than; equally with等于;不下于;亦;一樣好

I have understanding as well as you.

(2)both……and……;one equally with the other"與"、"兩者皆"

Work in moderation is healthy as well as agreeable to the human constitution.适度勞動對身體(tǐ)給予快感,又有(yǒu)益衛生(shēng)。

(3)與not only……but also有(yǒu)連帶關系

He has experience as well as knowledge.= He has not only knowledge but also experience.

(4)可(kě)以代替better than

As well (= better) be hanged for a sheep as ( = than) for a lamb.竊鈎如竊國,與其盜小(xiǎo)羊。

3.As it is

其含義為(wèi):as it stands; to state the matter as it really stands; as a matter of fact; in reality.相當于:實際上(shàng);就實際情況而言;根據(現在)情況看;就現在這個(gè)樣子等等。它用來(lái)指事物的單數(shù);即指前面的單數(shù)名詞。如果指事物的複數(shù),則用"As they are".如果用來(lái)指人(rén)時(shí),則為(wèi)as I am / you are / she/ he is/ we are / they are.as it is 的過去式為(wèi)as it was.其位置可(kě)以放在句首,句末或句子中間(jiān)。


As it is, we can not help him.

As it was, we could not help him.


Let\'s keep it as it is.

You mustn\'t go to the ball as you are.你(nǐ)不能這樣去參加舞會(huì)。

有(yǒu)時(shí)it可(kě)以省略為(wèi)"as is ",意即:照現在的樣子,常指"不再修理(lǐ)或改進"等情況。

He has an old radio as is.他有(yǒu)一台沒有(yǒu)修理(lǐ)過的舊(jiù)收音(yīn)機。

I\'ll sell it to you as is, but don\'t complain if it doesn\'t work.


A.虛拟語氣句式+but +as it is / was,該結構意為(wèi):其實;事實上(shàng)

I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse and worse.

The rice could have been got in yesterdy if the weather had been fine, but as it was, it had to be left in the fields.

B.過去分詞+as it is,表示強調前面的過去分詞

Written as it is in an interesting way, this book is enjoyable to young and old alike.

Published as it was at such a time, his work attrached much attention.

C.現在分詞+ as it does(did)。意為(wèi):因為(wèi)這樣,(實際)所以……

Living as he does in Shanghai, he knows the place extremely well.

Reading as he did many times, he could recite it fluently.


A. as it stands 根據目前情況來(lái)看

As it stands, it is certain that our country can realize the four modernization ahead of schedule.

B. such as it is不怎麽樣,質量不過如此

The room, such as it is, is very bright.

C. as it were =as if it were so.屬虛拟語氣,用于插入語。不可(kě)以與as it is 混淆

He is , as it were, a living dictionary.

Comrade Lei Feng still lives, as it were , in our heart.

4.have + the + 抽象名詞 +不定式

I had the fortune to succeed.我很(hěn)幸運獲得(de)了成功。

have = possess原來(lái)指肉體(tǐ)和(hé)精神上(shàng)的特征,現作(zuò)為(wèi)一種天賦而具有(yǒu)的。

She had the cheek ( = impudence) to say such a thing. = She was so impudent as to say such a thing.她厚顔無恥地說出這樣的話(huà)。

How can you have the heart ( = hard-heartness) to drown such darling little kittens?


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